Payments and  Returns Policy

Due to the nature of the product and that as it is classed as perishable, we are not able to accept returns or unwanted items, or items ordered in error. If you are not entirely happy with your chocolates, please contact us in the first instance. We may require that the goods are returned to us for inspection before we consider a refund or replacement. Refunds & replacement are offered entirely at our discretion, and we reserve the right to issue them in any way we deem appropriate.

 Payment for goods

 We will not process any order or dispatch it until they have been paid for in full. At the point they are delivered to you, you are deemed the owner of the product.

You cannot sell them or offer them for re-sale or offer them for sale either as a Fusion Chocolate product or as your own “white label product” without our consent or unless we have a prior agreement in place.